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Water Atomisation has the potential to handle huge throughputs of metal on a single melt stream compared to gas atomisation.
Water atomisation is chosen because it produces irregular shaped particles as well as allowing large processing rates of up to around 1000kg per minute. This irregular shape offers the benefits of a much larger surface area, which when used in refining applications allows a greater surface area for chemical attack. PM (powder metallurgy) parts produced by pressing and sintering rely upon the irregular shapes to produce the compressibility and locking nature that holds the parts in their green shape (a certain
strength that allows easier handling and sintering).
Atomising Systems Ltd. produces water atomisers operating on small batches of a few kg all the way through to 1000kg/minute.

Smaller scale water atomisers are used in precious metal applications, including dental amalgam production. Large scale water atomisers can be seen making Fe powder for PM applications or atomising alloys for further refining, such as the FeCoCuS Matte atomiser in Chambishi, Zambia. Atomising Systems Ltd. has supplied systems to suit such client requirements.
Water atomisation normally requires a dewatering and drying process as well. ASL has this covered too as we can offer engineered solutions to optimise the dewatering and drying processes, thus ensuring that you retain your products, profits and help to protect the environment!
If you have a water atomising requirement, contact us here at Atomising Systems Ltd. We have the expertise and experience to help you optimise your equipment.
Gas Atomisation offers the benefits of low oxygen, highly spherical powder.
The throughput potential from a single melt stream is lower than with water atomising, but the applications are generally more demanding or specialised.
If the gas atomiser is specified with ASL¡¯s HOT GAS ANTI-SATELLITE system then the powder will be significantly freer of satellites and can be made even finer or more cost effective.
Whichever way you look at it, the ASL hot gas Anti-satellite can benefit your powder production.

MIM requires fine powders. Hot gas enables this. It allows the gas to metal ratio to be optimised whilst minimising the melt freezing potential. The hot gas provides a higher level of energy and therefore finer powder still. If you are producing MIM powders you should be talking to ASL about Hot Gas.
If you want to produce powders for applications such as thermal spray or brazing, ASL¡¯s anti satellite system will ensure the freest flowing powders are produced, whilst Hot Gas will ensure your gas costs are minimised. Contact us for further details. We can supply you with the gas atomiser optimised for your business.
A highly efficient atomising method, centrifugal atomisation enables the production of narrow particle size distributions with low energy costs. It does have certain limitations, although less than you may think, due to the demands on the spinning disk. Where it can be applied it offers enormous cost saving benefits.
Used to produce battery grade zinc it allows optimisation of the distribution and maximisation of the yield with a fraction of the energy requirements of a gas atomising plant.
For electronic grade solder powder production, the median particle size of about 30 microns, and a very narrow standard deviation of around 1.3, gives a fantastic yield for Type III (+25-45 microns) and Type IV (+20 –38 microns) solder grades. With on line classification and yields of around 120kg per hour of Type III the system can deliver up to 60tonnes per month of Type III solder powder

We have also atomised steels, copper alloys and non metals by the centrifugal method. With throughputs of 500kg/minute and higher levels possible, it certainly is an atomising method to consider
ASL has test units available at our site in Sheffield.
A highly efficient atomising method aimed strongly towards electronic grade solder production.
Very spherical low oxygen powder can be produced up to around 70kg/hr with yields of Type III or Type IV being about 30kg/hr.
A very compact and efficient system can be produced. However if the client wants to go to a higher throughput of electronic grade solder powder, they should consider the centrifugal atomising method.

ASL has a production/test unit available at our site in Sheffield.
Similar to water atomisation, but chosen for specific properties of the powders imparted by the oil.
Atomising Systems Limited has a comprehensive range of atomising equipment to provide a very flexible special powder service. A 300 kilo melt size atomiser with ASL¡¯s Anti-satellite and Hot Gas technology allows the production of free flowing high quality gas atomised powders, servicing a wide range of industry sectors.
Our water atomising systems produce lot sizes between 30 and 500 kilos. Our smaller system produces powder for Dental, precious metal and specialised trial production. The larger water atomising system produces a range of powders for the PM and other industry sectors. Other atomising technology such as Centrifugal and Ultrasonic atomisation can be utilised to benefit specific industry sectors.